public/private space The major distinction between the public and the private space is the villa itself. Placed in the southern part of the site the volume takes almost all of the width dividing the site into two parts. The one on the front to approach and the private garden on the rear without any visual connection to the front. The facade of the villa functions as a membrane, closed to the front with defined openings and opened up to the rear to provide the merging space with the greenery.
The villa has three openings to the front. The garage [1], the service entry [2] and the main entry [3]. The garage opening, wide and only temporary covered with a loose wooden lamella door, can be seen as an extension of the public space. The service spaces on level 1 inhabit spaces for storage, cleaning, heating and the staff while the private space in this level consists only of the entry hall and a staircase [4] linking to level 2. The second level contains the kitchen [5] linking the semiprivate service spaces and the private spaces together. Level 2 and 3 inhabit only private spaces, closed up the front and opened up to the terraces [6] on the rear, the private garden.