"...Our eyes are constructed to enable us to see forms in light. Primary forms are beautiful forms because they can be clearly appreciated. Architects today no longer achieve these simple forms..." L.C. [8]

schematic approach The design of the villa is approached by the subdivision and substraction of the cubic volume and by a series of vertical and horizontal planes.

volume The volume is placed on the southern part of the site.

subdivision The volume is sym- metrical subdivided into the proportion of 2-1-2-1-2 along its length and of 0.5-1.5-1.5-1.5-0.5 along the side.
symmetrical substraction The volume is stepped down to the southern side directing the terrace to the private garden. The northern side remains forming the barrier between public and private zone.
asymmetrical substraction Thru opening the western side of the volume the terraces cascade towards the private garden.